The difference between voltage regulator and buck converter

The difference between voltage regulator and buck converter

The difference between voltage regulator and buck converter

In order to know the difference between these two elements, we must know each one of them separately, from which we can extract the difference and what is most appropriate to use.

 voltage regulator:

Voltage Regulator lm317 منظم الجهد

Voltage regulators are an integrated circuit that contains dozens of transistors and capacitors as well as resistors and its usefulness is to stabilize the external voltage, whatever the input voltage is. A specific constant consists of three parties. (See an article about the voltage regulator here.) The latter wastes a lot of energy when organizing. Let us understand how to give an example: We want a regulated voltage of 5 volts from a voltage of 24 volts. The regulator dissipates the rest of the voltage to produce 5 volts, meaning that 19 volts is dissipated and we do not benefit from it, so its efficiency is low.

buck converter :

buck converter boost converter

It is a device that can convert voltages from 5-40 volts to 1.5 volts up to 35 volts with a constant current and can control the voltage, and it is used in many applications such as charging batteries, operating robots and many electronic projects that need a constant current and voltage.

 The buck converter is characterized by its high efficiency, as well as the output voltage being regulated and stable unlike the linear voltage regulator, as well as a small loss of energy even if the input voltage is several times greater than the output voltage to be regulated, but its disadvantage is that its price is somewhat high compared to the voltage regulator as well as the niz type is issued due to the connection And a quick chapter.

How do I choose the right one for me? 

Simply, it depends on the circuit to be fed and also depends on the input voltage. If the input voltage is much greater than the output voltage to be regulated, it is preferable to use a buck converter and vice versa for the regulator. If the input voltage is close to the output voltage, it is preferable to use a voltage regulator.

With this, we come to the conclusion of this article, through which we learned the difference between the voltage regulator and the buck converter and how each of them works. As usual, if you have any suggestions or questions regarding the topic, do not hesitate to ask them via the comments box below and we will answer you as soon as possible.

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